
Setinupscale,suburbanNewCanaan,Connecticutin1973,TheIceStorm(basedonanovelbyRickMoody)isascathingsocialcriticismofthevaluesandideals ...,AdramaabouttwodysfunctionalfamiliesintheThanksgivingof1973.Theirnormalappearanceontheoutsideisfilledwithsexanddrugsontheinside.It's ...,Userreviews320...Asubtlysardoniclookinsidemiddle-classAmericana.IceStormnotonlydescribestheweatherintheConnecticutcountrysi...


Set in upscale, suburban New Canaan, Connecticut in 1973, The Ice Storm (based on a novel by Rick Moody) is a scathing social criticism of the values and ideals ...

The Ice Storm

A drama about two dysfunctional families in the Thanksgiving of 1973. Their normal appearance on the outside is filled with sex and drugs on the inside. It's ...

The Ice Storm (1997)

User reviews320 ... A subtly sardonic look inside middle-class Americana. Ice Storm not only describes the weather in the Connecticut countryside but is also a ...

The Ice Storm (1997)

Cast & Crew · James SchamusScreenplay and Producer · Rick MoodyNovel · Kevin KlineCast · Joan AllenCast · Sigourney WeaverCast · Tobey MaguireCast · Christina ...

The Ice Storm (film)

The Ice Storm is a 1997 American drama film directed by Ang Lee, based on Rick Moody's 1994 novel of the same name. The film features an ensemble cast of ...

The Ice Storm movie review & film summary (1997)

1997年10月17日 — The Ice Storm takes place as an early winter storm descends on Connecticut, casting over Thanksgiving a shroud of impending doom.

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